Narrandera East Infants School

Providing excellence in early learning

Telephone02 6959 1858

Principal's Message

At Narrandera East Infants School we take pride in providing quality education for all students in our community aged five to eight years. Being the only infants school in the Riverina places us in a unique and privileged position in that we can dedicate our expertise, professional development and teaching practice entirely to students in this age bracket.                                                                   


Our small school setting is the perfect environment for any child to commence formal schooling and places this child in a unique and priviledged position of being able to grow individually without the influence of older peers, during these precious formative years.


At Narrandera East we offer quality teaching and learning programs with a focus on literacy, numeracy, technology and participation in a wide variety of sporting and extra curricular activities. We offer the most up to date quality teaching programs such as L3 (Literacy, Language, Learning), TEN (Targetting Early Numeracy), Count Me In, Reading Recovery and Focus on Reading, which are all supported by our Regional Curriculum Consultants.


Our school is extremely well resourced with Smartboards in every room, laptops and computers 1 between 2 for our students and a recently purchased class set of iPads. We are the only school in the town to use the Narrandera Stadium on a weekly basis for sporting programs.


One of the major features of Narrandera East is the partnership that exists between the school and the community. Parents and community members are an interegal part of our daily school life. We welcome and value your input and support at all times.


Our website includes information on our school organisation and will also give you an insight into the many exciting things that happen daily that make Narrandera East a great place to be for your child. Further enquiries are most welcome.


Mrs Elissa Routley
